Hello Chess lovers.
Having noticed the tendency of players of a certain rating range to play the Benko gambit I thought I would try and examine why the Benko is not played at the highest levels. In this series I will look at key games and the analysis of Boris Avrukh as well. I hope this can give a clearer picture on the problems faced by black in different lines. First we will look at the 5...e6 line where black aims for the disintegration of the white center.
Sahovic v Rogers Nis 1985
1.d4Nf6 2.c4c5 3.d5b5 4.cb5a6 5.ba6e6 6.Nc3Nd5 7.Nd5ed5 8.Qd5Nc6 9.Nf3Be7
-Here black has another move 9....Ba6 10.Bd2Be7 11.e4!Qb6 (11...Bf112.Kf10-0 13.g3Nb4 14.Bb4cb4 15.Kg2Ra5 16.Qb3Qa8 17.Rhe1 and white holds on to the extra pawn without suffering) 12.Ba6Qa6 13.Ne5! this move comes up frequently. 13...0-0 14.Nc4Nd4 15.0-0Nc2 16.Rac1Nd4 17.Rfe1Qa2 18.Qd7Ra7 19.Qg4 white is well coordinated and also a pawn up.Avrukh
10.Ne50-0 11.Nc6dc6 12.Qd8Rd8 This is a critical point. When the minor pieces come off, black will have problems with the c-pawns. 13.e3Bf6 14.Bc4Ba6 15.Ba6Ra6 16.Ke2c4 17.Rd1Rb8 18.Kd2 and the difference between the two sides is quite apparent.White has the better King and the c-pawns are easy targets.In practical terms the endgame is easy here.
18....Kf8 19.Kc2Ke7 20.a3 -Avrukh suggests 20.f4!?
White has a secure outside passed pawn-one of the best types of passed pawns in practical games.
20...Ke6 21.Ra2R6b6 22.a4Rb3 23.a5c5 black is left with few active options. 24.a6c3 25.bc3Rc3 26.Kd2R3b3 27.a7Ra8 28.Ra6Ke7 29.Ba3 -White has accomplished a lot.The passed pawn has reached a7 tying down black's rook.The bishop on a3 is going to c5.
29....Ke8 30.Bc5 This is important.Rb7 31.Ke2Rc7 32.Rd5Be7 33.Bd4Now the bishop increases its radius of action 33...f6 34.Rb5Kd7 35.Rb8 penetration after preparation. R7c8 36.Ra8Ra8 37.Kf3 1-0
When looking at the pawn structure following move 12 one can understand white's policy- take off many minor pieces and then improve the King.The involvement of the white King was decisive.Note the power of the outside passed pawn.
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