Hello Chess Lovers,
In this part, I will be looking at the unusual reaction of white to 3...Ne7. Black emerges with good development and then proceeds to gain concessions from white. In the end he demonstrates good endgame skill which really is a premium requirement for further progress especially with black.
Michalzak v Svetushkin
1.e4e5 2.f4ef4 3.Nf3Ne7 4.Bc4Ng6 5.h4?! A seemingly logical move but the pawn ends up being a target.
Black responds in a logical and good way:
5...d6!? There are two points to this move. If 6.h5Ne5! comes in. The second point is that ...Bg4 will be coming soon with good effect.
6.c3Be7 7.Qb30-0 8.Qb5!? indirectly defending the h pawn.If black takes on h4 then Qh5! is available.
However this means a delay in development. When white has to spend tempi like this in a Kings Gambit the trend favours black.
8....Nd7 9.d4Nb6 10.Bb3Bg4! 11.h5Nh4 12.Kf2d5! freeing d6 13.Bf4Nf3 14.gf3Bh4! 15.Kg2c6! Now white has to retreat without really being able to pressure black. This change in the overall situation -switching from the offensive to the defensive- is simply too much sometimes.
16.Qd3Bh5 17.Nd2Bg6 18.Qe3Be7 19.Nf1Re8 And black is definitely better here.However the creation of targets or pressure points is important.
20.Ng3de4 21.fe4Bh4 22.e5Nd5 23.Qf3Bg324.Kg3a5 25.a4Qb6 and black has reached another high point in the game. His pieces have been optimized and there is a lot of harmony. Now for the creation of pressure points and entry points.
26.Ra3Rad8 27.Bg5Rd7 28.Rh2Qc7 29.Bf4Qd8 now black prepares c6-c5.
30.Ra1c5! 31.Rd1cd4 32.Rd4Ne7 33.Rd7Nf5! a good Zwischenzug. 34.Kf2Qd7 35.Bd5Qa4! finally
a favourable change occurs where entry points have been created. The game gets easier for black.
36.Bb7Rb8 37.Kg2Ne7! With the idea of Rb7 and Be4.
38.Kg3Nf5 39.Kh3Qd7 black regroups with purpose : he can focus on the white king.
40.Bc6Qe7 41.Rd2h6 42.Qg4Rd8 43.Bd5Kh7 black prepares for exchanges and moves out of danger.
44.c4Rb8 45.Kh2Rb3 46.Re2h5 47.Qg5Qg5 after the queen exchange the game reaches another stage. Black works on the white king.
48.Bg5Nd4 49.Rf2Ne6 50.Be7Re3 51.Bd6Kg8 52.c5Be4 53.Bc4Ng5!! black has created a mating net.
54.Rf7Nf7 55.e6Bg6 Black responds to desperation in a cold blooded manner.
56.Bf4Re4 57.Bd3Re6 0-1 From the response to 5.h4 to the ending black played good practical chess.
Nothing spectacular but slowly grinding down the resistance. This is a vital part of being strong-being prepared for a long grind with black.
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