Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Gems from Gibraltar Part One-Hou Yifan's Defensive Dexterity.

Hello Chess lovers
I would like to share with you an example of one of Hou Yifan's major qualities which was on show in the Gibraltar Open. Her defensive dexterity when playing the Sicillian defense.She played a marvellous game against Hunt and showed amazing composure to refute wave after wave of attack on her king. This is an important skill in practical over-the-board chess. One must prepare mentally for very aggressive and ambitious players.

Lets look at the battle.

Hunt vs Hou Yifan
B81 Sicillian
1.e4c5 2.Nf3d6 3.d4cd4 4.Nd4Nf6 5.Nc3e6 Steering the opening into a Scheveningen set up which was mastered so well by Kasparov in the mid-eighties.
6.g4 The Keres attack. I learned about this in the 80s from an English magazine which explained that the major aim was to chase away the f6 knight and help to dominate d5 in general terms and to prepare a king-side attack specifically.
6...Nc6!? 7.g5Nfd7 8.Be3Be7 9.h4a6 10.Qe2Qc7 11.Bh3?! A really double edged move.In these positions, white does take aim at the e6 square.However, because Qe2 was played Bc4 is not available immediately.It blocks the h-file for white and it was to later play a sacrificial role on f5.
11....Nc5 A great multi tasking move. First black targets e4 and helps to bolster e6 and secondly black clears the second rank for defence. This is vital in this variation.
12.0-0-0 Nd4 13.Bd40-0 A very critical moment. Opposite side castling has occurred. Every move has to be very precise now or the game can end very quickly. Every tempo is vital.
14.Rdg1b5 A good move which actually clears b7 for the queen.
15.Bf5?! -Usually a knight is sacrificed on f5.Hou Yifan made sure to exchange the knight.It is interesting to note that Hunt did not play 15.Kb1!?b4 16.Nd1a5!? 17.h5.Instead she attacks with pieces.
15...ef5 16.Nd5Qb7! 17.Qh5The next wave attacks are coming. 17...Ne6!The knight is brilliantly posted here. 18.Nf6Bf6 19.gf6g6 20.f3Kh8 The next procedure. Hou Yifan clears g8 for the rook. Square clearance is important for defence. 21.Qh6Rg8 22.h5The next wave of attack....22...g5!! 23.Be3f4!
24.Bf4 More commital chess. 24...Nf4 25.Rg5Rg5 26.Qg5Ne6 27.Qg2Bd7! Only now does the bishop move.The g8 square is covered. Hou Yifan has moved on the second and first rank for many moves repelling wave after wave of attacks on the black king.
28.Rg1Qb6! Hunt had enough. If 29.f4Qe3 ensues.
White appeared to be preparing an assault on e6 but as soon as Yifan castled went all out with a piece assault instead of the h4-h5/g5-g6 battering ram.
Once white played 15.Bf5?! it was the point of no return. Hou Yifan believed in her defensive resources on the second rank. The knight on e6 covered g7 and the Bishop on e7 covered f6.The bishop on c8 covered e6.At the right moment g7-g5! closed the lines on the h and g files. Only on move 28 did Hou Yifan emerge from her trenches to start a counterattack. This is an example of someone trained by computer as much as a personal coach.I hope you found this blog instructive.

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