Sunday, 5 February 2012

Inspirational game for the month

Hello Chess lovers,
I would like to introduce to you the inspirational game of the month January. I find that the websites simply do not supply us with inspirational material. They supply us with a lot of "objective" material which is often presented in a very dry way. The purpose of this article is to inspire players to find joy in chess instead of endless analysis of opening lines.

My choice of inspirational game is as follows: Fier vs Dzagnidze 
1.d4Nf6 2.c4e6 3.Nf3b6 4.g3Ba6 5.b3d5 6.Bg2dc4!? As early as possible, black seeks an imbalance:
7.Ne5Bb4 8.Kf1c6 9.Nc6Nc6 10.Bc6Ke7 11.Ba8Qa8 Amazing ! black trades his indolent rook for a powerful light square bishop and in the next series of moves assumes a dangerous initiative which then induces errors.
 12.f3Rd8 13.Ba3Ba3 14.Na3c3!? black makes it clear that he wants to target d4.
15.Kf2e5 16.Nc2ed4 17.Nd4?! Now black works on the new feature of the position : the pin on d4.
17...Ne4! 18.fe4Qe4 19.e3Rd6! A second feature has come up-white's insecure king. 20.g4g6! Preventing Nf5. 21.Rhg1Rf6 22.Kg3Qe3! 23.Nf3Be2! 24.Qc1Rf3 0-1 
Wasn't that refreshingly barbaric! I hope you enjoyed it as much as me.John

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