Saturday, 16 July 2011

Asymmetrical warfare in chess: The Ultra Flexible 1...g6 Part Two

Hello Chess Lovers
In Part One we saw a successful black strategy where white was encouraged to build a big center and then black chipped away at the center with moves like ...f6 and ...fe5. In this game we shall see how white reacts to this hyper modern build up by gradually grabbing squares and working on long term goals such as greater space and the inducement of weaknesses. This game features Swedish GM Emanuel Berg versus Koukufikis of greece.

Berg v Koukofik
1.e4g6 2.d4Bg7 3.Nc3d6 4.Be3a6 5.Qd2b5 Black has another option: 5...Nd7 6.h4Ngf6 7.f3b5 8.0-0-0Bb7.g4h5 10.g5Nh7 11.d5c5 12.dc6Bc6 13.Bd4! a key move taking away black's best piece. 13...Bd4 14.Qd40-0 15.Nge2Qb6 16.Bh3!Rfd8 17.Nd5Bd5 18.ed5Nhf8 19.f4 grabbing more squares. 19...Qd4 20.Nd4 and white's advantage is durable he has more space and can organize pressure against e7.

 6.h4h6 This slightly weakens g6.White works on this later on.7.0-0-0 Bb7 8.Nh3Nd7 9.f3c6?! 10.Kb1Qc7 11.Nf4Ngf6 12.g4Its good to notice that the white bishop on f1 is left at home in this structure.

12...Nb6 13.Qf2! Berg is very patient. He anticipates black's pseudo-active moves with Nc4 and he is ready to play the bishop to c1.
13...b4 14.Nce2Nc4 15.Bc1Nd7 16.Ng3Ndb6 17.Bc4Nc4 18.Qe2!Nb6 Now we can take stock.
White has more space and he can organise play in the center and on the king side.Black cannot really generate more aggression on the queen side.
19.h5!g5  A big turning point in the game. The f5 square turns into good real estate for white and this will mean grave difficulties for black.
20.Nf5!Bf8 21.e50-0-0 22.Nd3!Nd5 23.f4!c5?! 24.ed6ed6 25.dc5dc5  26.fg5With each pawn exchange the game opens up for white's better placed pieces.A key skill in chess is to anticipate changes in pawn structure.
26....c4 27.Nf4! Nc3A committal move made by a player who must have felt the need to do something drastic. (27...Nf4 28.Rd8Kd8 29.Rd1Nd5 30.Ne3Qc5 31.Nd5Bd5 32.Qe5!)28.bc3Bh1 29.Rh1bc3 30.Qf3Bd6 31.Ne2Qb6 32.Ka1Be5 33.Ne7Kd7 34.Qf7Rhf8 35.Rd1+ 1-0 
So its important to summarize the key points of this game:
1) White set out to grab space without generating threats early.
2) At move 19 white showed his major card-h4-h5 inducing a weakness on f5.
3) With e4-e5 and f3-f4 white opened up the position with well placed pieces.
White showed patience in this game and at the right time, opened the game up.Also he showed an understanding of structural changes.

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