Thursday, 14 July 2011

In the spirit of Paul Keres 4.Bg5 vs. the Pirc Part Two

Hello Chess lovers,

I will be sharing with you an unusual treatment of 4Bg5 in the Pirc by Svidler who was once a great e2-e4 expert. In the following game he encounters an unusual strategy from Sunil Weeramanty and then gradually takes over the game.Lets see:

Svidler v Weeramanty

1.e4d6 2.d4Nf6 3.Nc3g6 4.Bg5Nbd7 5.f4h6 6.Bh4c5 7.d5Bg7 8.Nf3Qb6 Black's move order resembles a Dragon set up with the pawn at c5 and the Bishop on g7 ready for action. Svidler appears to play passively inviting the opponent to premature aggression.

9.Qc1Nh5 10.Nd1g5 Black is trying to assume the initiative and I believe that the last two moves in particular prompted this pseudo active continuation.The problem is that it all runs out.

11.fg5Ne5!? 12.gh6The trend of the game has changed. Black has surrendered material for active pieces and the hope of landing a blow somewhere.The problem is that there is no concrete forcing variation here.Black's position looks optically interesting but there is a point beyond which he cannot improve his position.

12....Qb4 13.Nc3Bh6?! (13...Nf3 14.gf3Bc3 15.bc3Qc3 16.Kf2f5!?  would be more interesting)
14.Bg5Nf3 15.gf3Bg5 16.Qg5Qb2 17.Kd2Qb4 18.Qe3a6! 19.Rb1Qa5 20.e5!? This is the turning point.
Svidler points out the flaw of black's concept: The address of his king is fixed and white mounts an attack on the King.
20....de5 21.Qe5Nf6 22.d6 Svidler uses every resource. 22...Qd8 23.Nd5Qa5Lashing out. 24.Kd1Nd5 25.Qh8Kd7 26.Rb3Kd6 27.Bc4Be6 28.Qa8 The Queen is the star of this game.From c1 it has travelled all the way to a8!
28...Nc3 29.Kd2Nb5 30.Kc1Bc4 31.Rd1Ke6 32.Re3Kf6 33.Qh8 And black is out of business.
1-0 I hope that was a lot of fun and excitement. For a while it appeared that white was defensive as black took an extremely active stance early on. By move 20, the game was turning against black.Usually players have difficulty adapting to changes in the game if they were active and then they have to go on the defensive.
Svidler managed to handle to aspects very well-mounting an attack in the center and fending of black's counter attacks. This takes a certain cold blooded attitude.

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