Tuesday, 19 July 2011

World Open Highlights and Delicacies Part One

Hello Chess Lovers

I would like to share with you the delightful attacking game played by Molnar and Smirin in the World Open USA. It was a fantastic advertisement for creative chess and involved some very attractive motifs.

Lets go!!

Molnar v Smirin World Open 

1.e4c5 2.Nf3e6 3.d4cd4 4.Nd4a6 5.Bd3Bc5  This line of the Paulsen is popular. Interesting is 5....Ne7 
6.0-0Nbc6 7.Nc6Nc6 8.Be3Be7 Shirov v Carlsen Linares 2008

6.Nb3Ba7 7.Qg4 The most aggressive try. This is one of those high risk, high return variations.
7...Nf6 8.Qg3d6 9.Nc3Nc6 10.0-0b5 11.Qg7?! A key moment in the struggle white seeks an imbalance
that will hopefully disrupt black's plans for harmonious development. Black gains vital open lines.
11...Rg8 12.Qh6Ne5! A knight is heading to g4. 13.Kh1Nfg4! 14.Qh7Kd7!! A highly creative concept.
Now the g and h files are open.Smirin has calculated that he has enough time to bring his guns to bear on the white king.
15.h3Bb7!! Knowing that 16.hg3Rh8 wins the white queen, Smirin lines up the bishop on the a8-h1 diagonal. 16.f4Qf6!! Smirin does what very strong GMs do. Since the time of Fischer they always look for the equal or stronger threat. If 17.fe5Nf2+ is coming. 17.Qh5Nd3 not wasting time. 18.cd3Nf2 19.Rf2Bf2 
20.Na5 And right here Smirin sets up a brutal finish. 20...Rg3! In response to every threatening white move from move 15 onwards, Smirin finds active counter measures and this is the hallmark of the sharp tactician finding active moves but also the quiet ones. 21.Nb7Rh8 22.e5Qg7! 23.Ne4Rh3!!
And white had enough. 0-1  I hope this was a wonderful experience for you.A great advertisement for active attacking chess.

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